“Transforming Lives for Eternity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ”
Core Values | Daniel 6:3
Authority of God’s Word
“We believe the Bible is the holy, infallible, inerrant Word of God which guides us in our daily lives. We cherish the Word of God and claim 2 Timothy 3:16,17
that states, “The Word of God is profitable for doctrine, rep roof, correction and instruction in righteousness.”
Authentic Worship
“We are committed to making Christ the central focus of our worship by seeking to keep Him first in every person and ministry; and glorifying Him through our corporate services and our personal lives. We are not program- or preference-driven, but Christ-driven, with an all consuming passion to uplift and honor Jesus Christ in all that we do.”
“We value having prayerful relationships with other believers for edification, encouragement, and support through loving one another in Christ.”
Living Missions
“We believe that Westerly Hills should live missions,, not only locally, but globally as commanded in Acts 1:8. We seek to accomplish this through partnering with other churches to support missions financially, physically, and through personal evangelism.”
Spiritual Leadership
“We aspire to develop Godly leaders who become committed servants of Christ because of their passion for Him and through the use of their spiritual gifts.”